There is a lot that needs to be done on a wedding day, the least of which is ensuring your hair and makeup look great. However, there are a lot of beauty preparations you can do before the big day. Whether you want your nails to look great for any close-up photo opportunities or want your skin to glow on the big day, this guide has you covered.
Ideally, you want to start shaping your brows about a year before the big day. Starting this early allows you to grow them out so you can start afresh by overhauling their shape. You should then book an appointment about three days before the wedding.
At this time, the beautician will work on any regrowth and this period should allow any redness from the procedures to settle. Recommended procedures include threading and waxing, both of which you can get at a reputable beauty salon Oxford. Ensure you talk to the beautician at length so they understand what you need and everything turns out fabulous.
Your hands will feature prominently in any close-up photographs of the wedding rings or bands. For this reason, you want your hands and nails to look their best.
Two important considerations are the shape and colour of the nails. Nude colours work great, but you can always choose a colour you like that will not stand out too much. Gel treatments done a few days before the wedding are a great idea to avoid chipping and smudging.
You likely already know which shape works best for your hands, but you can always talk to a beautician to see what they recommend.
Clear, glowing skin is an important asset for any bride on their big day. You should start taking care of your skin about three months before your wedding, and we recommend getting professional facials during this time.
You should get a few treatments but take care not to overdo it because doing so will give you results you might not like.
You can pick a professional to do the facials, but there are several beauty kits and requirements that will help you achieve the perfect look.
Lash Extensions
Lash extensions allow for a smudge-free flutter in your wedding photographs. Something to consider when picking your lash extensions is how natural they look. While you want them to look great, you don’t want them standing out so much that people focus on them instead of the whole photograph when the photos come on.
Lash extensions that are too long come with their own set of complications, so it is a good idea to test out a few lengths the week before the wedding day, to see which one would be best.
You should look and feel best on your wedding day. The beauty treatments and options we have looked at will help you be confident on your big day and ensure the best photos to immortalise the memories. Start planning so you can better focus on the wedding as it draws near.