The fashion world is having a hard time, but plus size fashion is getting bigger and bigger literally and figuratively. In case of the Wholesale Women Clothing items you need to be specific.
Show yourself as a curvy woman. It is a clear message from the fashion world. More and more plus size brands are being added and more and more brands are expanding their range to plus size sizes, meaning size 42 or larger for women’s clothing. A good luck for many women, because it makes plus size clothing a lot more fashionable. As an event manager at the World Fashion Centre, the Amsterdam complex of fashion-related companies including an event location, Cats closely follows the role that plus size occupies in the current fashion image. You can buy instagram followers from our website.
And that role is growing. “Plus size is a niche market that is currently growing very fast. And that’s a good thing, because in the Netherlands a quarter of women wear a size 44 or larger.” Partly thanks to the body positivity movement, which motivates to be happy with the body you have, even if it is a size bigger, curvy women dare to show themselves more. “Designing plus size collections is really a gap in the market that is finally being picked up by fashion labels.” It is therefore not for nothing that Cats organizes the WFC Big Brands twice a year. Europe’s largest plus size fashion fair for retailers and fashion professionals.
Plus Size Is Popular
When it took over the stock market at the end of 2016, Cats immediately saw opportunities. It was also discussed more often on social media. They finally dared to show a realistic image of their bodies. The acceptance and popularity of plus size have only increased since then. At the fair, for example, the number of stands has already doubled. This indicates that more and more brands and agencies are seeing the importance of plus size fashion and are consciously choosing to be inclusive in the sizes and collections they offer.
Curvy collections
The popularity of plus size is not only limited to the Netherlands, but can also be seen in Denmark, Greece, Finland, England and Italy, among others. Many fashion designers today really like to design clothes for curvy women. That’s a nice development. It is not the case that they can just take over fits for a regular size, up to size 40, for a curvy collection. Designers must specialize in the fits of the fuller woman or man. The designers who are already doing that are doing really well. They seize the opportunities that are up for grabs. For the time being, the rise of plus size fashion is mainly a women’s business, but the increase in plus size men’s collections is also showing an upward trend. From Plus Size Wholesale dresses this is important.
The Future
More and more major brands will expand with plus size collections and not only that stores that now only sell regular sizes will also expand their range to larger sizes. That process has already started. This is also clearly visible online. online retailers have picked up on this trend much earlier. In addition, we see that stores where plus size has been sold for a while no longer put the collection in a corner at the back. More and more often the garments are placed in a visible position, in the front or in the middle of the store. We really can’t ignore it now. there’s a curve revolution going on. Plus-size fashion is booming business. click here for more seo blogs